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Showing posts from January, 2013

you changed or actng lyk changed !?

after weeks she talked ...............again on fb......i talked or tried to talk lyk nothing happend btwn us....lyk old mitu.............but she.............she changed....or she acts lyk she changed....i felt lyk talkng to someone who nvr knw me.....y doing ds to me ? .....wtevr it is....i miss you lot n lot ....miss the times you and me together...the old times........... :( signing off Mitu 

HAPPY Newyear !

2011.................ente lifile etavum worst year...........2012 golden year of comebacks.....and the motivation : aparna and my sister .................................but the things happnd twrds d end of made it wth worstEST year...... hoping atleast 2013 wl b gud fr me............happy newyr guyz.. signing off mitu raj

stil am on you,,,,,,,,,,,,,

you are still in my thoughts.................... you are still in my mind.................. you are still in my breath and beat............ you are still in my dreamz............... Each night is tym for flash backs of our memories.......... i am still on you ..........