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Showing posts from August, 2013

malampuzha dam opened! :)

this place always catches my eyes.....went thr aftr a long tym :) realy a beautiful place in palakkad..... our treausure....malampuzha <3

Am I looking ugly or beautiful !?

this is sm question almost evrybdy has askd to themselves or others.....!! actually ugly and beautiful ....are they factual terms!? nope.......... they are relative some people you may be ugly doesnt factuate that you are others you may be beautiful...again it doesnt factuate that you are beautiful ........... both terms have different meanings frm different perspectives... so just cz when somebdy tellz u r ugly or u r beautiful ...dont be too sure abt it .. just trust in urself ..believe in yourself dat u r beautiful ...dat makes you beautiful :) signing off  mitu

How to stop being lazy :D

steps...body, Mind and Spirit If you're feeling lazy, it may have to do with how you're taking (or not taking) care of yourself. Look at these tips to naturally give yourself more energy. 1 Sleep . You should ideally be getting eight hours of sleep and trying to get on a regular sleep cycle. Irregular sleep patterns or sleepless nights can lead to low energy and lazy tendencies. 2 Wash your face . As soon as you wake up in the morning, just wash your face and freshen up. It's a very easy way to wake yourself up a bit more and start the day off right. Exercise regularly . Even something as simple as a brisk walk gives you natural energy and also releases endorphins that improve your overall mood, making you feel more inclined to go out and accomplish something that day. Watch your diet . If you're not getting enough vegetables or healthy foods into your body, it can also affect your overall energy. Try to cut out excess junk food and eat regula...

Read a classic novel aftr a long tym ..! ..thousand splendid suns :)

"one could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs , or the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls" just finished 'The thousand splendid suns' by khalid hosseini ....master piece work...a gripping tale that portraits female suffering and endurance under the taliban friendship ,hope ,despair,strugg le,violence ,starvation ,discrimination,persecution ......everything is der in it......vaych kaznjapo enik thonni namuk oke endinte kurav aanu....kazhikan bakshanam, udukan vasthram ,thamasikan oru idam ...padikan pusthakangal schools colleges... stil many of us dnt understand itz value ........... hats off to Khalid Hosseini for A Thousand Splendid Suns