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Showing posts from May, 2014


Oh ya everything is sorted outttt...  ! And we are back as old again. ..and we fell in love..  and we married  <3 *wakes up * Oopss!! It waas just another dream!  lol :-)

a fucked up new year resolution :P

My 2014 resolution was  : " Take risks in life..refrain laziness" welllllllllllll............everything was getting along well in frst few days of 2014 ..and unfortunately it doesnt last more than a week :P ....poor me is back to the old mitu grrrrrrrrr............ i was enlightened only yestrdy  and it has already been 5 months since the new year :X ....time to TRY and fuflill my resolution...cmon Mituuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!