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Showing posts from July, 2014

Gudbye infosys :-)

Today am saying gudbye to infosys... No more cooperate bullshit in my lyf.....things am gonna miss when I leave Pune to Kerala are our flat...time we flat mates used to spend together.. cooking in kitchen.... trips we went together....then some buddies I made in infosys..... Will definitely miss u all...... GudBye:-(

Happi bday my chweety pie :-*

Happi bday to the biggest treasure I own in this world :-* :-* sister... my bestest friend. biggest love ................mitha <3 

Rain Rain ...!! the season is here !

yipeeeeeeeeeeeee ! :D another rainy season has come!..........why umbrellas....!?? throw dem away , walk in rain , play in it , feel rejuvenated !! nothing is more refreshing than feeling the drizzling droplets on our body ... :* <3 Rain Rain dont GO away   :):)

On top of the world - germanz win the world cup <3 :-)

we came with the youngest squad in 2010 ...lost to the world champions in semis... but never did we give up.......this year we rose from the deadilest group of death ....entered semis for the 4th consecutve time.....defeated france...raped beat argentina and become the first europeans to win worldcup on latinamerican soil.................oh yaa ! GERMANY reigned the world champions in maracana .......take it babe !!!   ..the eternal glory is ourz..........thanku gotze and schurrle...for dat wonderful goal in 113th minute..made my day! dedicated to klose and reus :):):) #hitlerBoyz #captaincourageousLAHM #joachimLeowGenius #esliebeDeutschland

germanz march on like kings !!

yes yes yes !! atlast we made into the finalz of the biggest war on earth 8-) ....the world cup final............defeated france in quarters.....raped brazil by 7 goals in gonna face argentina in finals............hoping for the best..........#hitler_mode_activated ....we win games not hearts...........beware enemies!!