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Showing posts from September, 2017

The perspective

A broken man may be interpreted in two ways:  As a person who is not strong enough to get over the past, or as a man who proved that he can love a woman deeply and sincerely.  The choice is yours. - Mitu

New Responsibility

After mugging up 70+ theory papers and 10+ labs, finally I am getting on to the lime light of working for Defence in the core field. Honestly, I am not excited like I was, when I got into Infosys back in 2013. Ha I know why ! something has changed between then and now. Back then, that job had vital importance. Anyway, I hope my new responsibility and experience at ADA will finally help me to reach the final dream. Hoping for the best :-) Mitu

Ponmudi Chiller Trip !

Three years ago... around this time....when I was leaving Infosys Limited, I had went for a  farewell trip with my flat mates. That is the wettest bike trip of my life till now. Three years later, here its again ! Another farewell trip....Ponmudi was easily the best choice in front of us. The weather was looking adverse with possible thunderstorms ahead....For a moment, it looked like it would may step us back....But we were determined to go ahead.....And oh yea !!! it did not disappoint us... The coldness of the wind oozed in , the foggy mist, a little drizzle was the best weather you could imagine for a car trip  to Ponmudi !!! All those clicks and the walk through stoned paths, flushing meadows and rocks, through the mist, cracking jokes, with my beloved chunks, to the infinites :) ....was the most satisfying and cherishing feeling........thank you guys for a very very memorable you all and miss you all.......... Mitu 09-09-2017