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Showing posts from June, 2020


Everyday, I wake up in the morning and think about home.  Every night on bed, I think about home before I sleep. Everytime I think, whether I should not give a shit about all the things which hold me back, and go home. Months and months, and counting. Home is all I have.  Without home, I am all lost and bleak. Yes, I miss my home.


Dad and daughter at my home :-) One thing that I love about my home is that we are in Palakkad, the land who is close to Lord Subramanian; maybe the reason why peacocks are seen plenty here.  Look at these adorable pretty ones who visit our premises daily.  Unequivocally the most beautiful birds on the planet. 💙 Hey handsome!

Hashtag Campaigners !!

It is intriguing that the people who are protesting on the roads and streets of the U.S are not political workers or social workers, but people. The people who know their rights, and have the guts to question the illegitimate oppression of the Police.  Speaking of which, how many Indians have we seen questioning the Police when something similar happens in India? Not many; simply because they are scared of the Police. They are scared because they are unaware of the laws and the citizen rights, the constitution has bestowed upon them. They are unaware because they are not even taught law in schools.  Until we realise what rights we have, we would continue to be the puppets of the system. And yes, we would just remain "Hashtag Campaigners".  - Mitu