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Boy n Girl far it can go?

Consder this situation.A boy n girl are best friends...they spend a lotta time together evrywhr......both are singles...but eventualy one of them gets in love with anthr person...say the boy....the boy now starts spending time with his lover or girlfrnd now....he cnt find time for his bestfrnd now....but he dsnt realise when fell i love he gts evry guy in ds u imagne what the bestfrnds thinks now? she may undrstnd wy she is nt taken care like old now things changed.....but stil it pains in her mind...she maynt show it outsde...smtmes she may feel jealous...she may feel stil she maynt show it outsde fr their sake....

Now consider the other situatn if girl falls in love....the girl goes crazy wth her boyfrnd....the girl may still find time with her bestfrnd...more dan the boy cud find in previouus situatn..but certain limits cm thr.....she may nt interact like she did in old days..she may want she cnt..or she wont.....even is she does so anthr prblm cms thr....the possesvns of her boyfrnd....this is quite commn situatn...he may ask her not to be free n interactve to her bestfrnd ..since a girl alwys cnsders her boyfrnd a step ahead of bestfrnd ( a truth one finds dffclt to accept by wrd..but acceptd by heart) she is forced to obey his boyfrnd.....

Now cnsder anthr situatn whn bth boy n grl fnds their lovers.....haha things r even worse here.....u cn say its almst like an end..bth may be hppy wth their respctv boyfrnd or grlfrnd..eventualy their frndshp is cmng memories..thing bcmformal btwn them cmprng to hw they used to spend time in old days......wt a storyy ! :)

U see the 3 situatns....these r nt my theories....this is wt we see around us.....if u hvnt seen it..i hv seen it around me.....interesting topic aint it?? i do blv there r certain time limit tht brings a limit to the frndship btwn boy n girl.. bestfrnds as always and spend time and live life like they used to...practicaly it bcms impssble  btwn them.........unless they bcms lovers of eachothr haha...quite frnds into lovers...this is anthr situatn....cnsder the abv two situatns....suppose bth of them brkup wth lovers fr sm reason...mst probably cz of misundrstndng and doubting :P
eventualy wt happns!? ofcourse the bestfrnds r bck now of their own like old days lol..smtmes they realise tht only they can join eachothr abv frndship since they cn understnd each othr well ...seeems odd.....i dnt like this situatn anywy :P .....anothr situatn is fear of loss btwn them....the bestfrnds boy n grl may be feared of losing eventualy they r falling in love...knwngly or unknwingly...this is anthr commn happening :) ...

I am yet tu fall in any of these situatns ;P hope i wl sort it out even if i fell so the way boy n girl frndshp is smthng special alwyz :) ..mine is so....hope urs too ;)

me2 RaJ
