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                       My First Love  

Love..undoubtedly the most strong feeling and most desired feeling......we say I love my parents...we say I love my sister or brthr or frnds....its an emotion.. a strong attachmnt ,compassion twrds a person ....smtmes we say i fell in love wth him or the way wts ds love??its romantic in the form of romance...may be the most dscussed n most strange form of cnt b fully defined in words...but we cn show wts me love is a strange feeling whch we cnt resist to actualy happens itself!! thr r no reasonsfr tht ...true love is reasonless...the love may or may nt be; its nt compulsory tht the other persons returns you the same feeling...when u fal in just spins ur head around..its like u reachd smwhr else...!! you get obsessed with tht surprse if u see him or her in dreams cz dreams we see r innocent truthful desires hidden insde ur mind ,whch u may even havent realised whn u r awake!!!

My case is tragical .like 80% youth :) evrybdy i also had crush on mny grls :P in my chldhood  n teenage..but i ws  matured enuf to realise tht ITS JUST A CRUSH ;D !! but things changed whn i reachd collge....i fell for a grl....i thght again it mght be a mere crush..:P as it wsnt.....things wer dfrrnt here....ho boy i ws like gone mad abt her...i even messd up my studies thinkng abt her...oh ya i actually fell in love as i mentnd above...:D...first love strongest n true :) bt nt reciprocated mm...time gone tryng tu forget her..but my heart still hold on wth her......its quite stupid n senseless to hold on wth a person who cnt love me back..i its also a truth tht i cnt exile her frm my heart...i cnt say my love hurted me..i believe thr is no pain in love...but  mst people like me (u may say love failure gang :P i dnt care ) say thr is PAIN IN LOVE..but i dsagree !!...i love her..hw cn it hurt when i love her?? imposble!! i just feels heavenly whn i love her each dsnt nt hurt me at chills n soothens my mind.....may be i ddnt get bck the same frm her (as i said love is nt  alwys reciprocated)...tht truth hurts is nt tu be just kept in mind..people say u hv to show it outsde....i ddnt even get much opportunites beyond just wrds to show my also hurts me...certain facts hurts me.....not my love for her...i dnt feel hurt whn i love her..:)
love cnt be bought frm the othr persn forcefuly also love cnt be brought in our heart shud happen itself :) happened in my mind once.....its still happening...

me2 RaJ
