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Let me first go back to my chlidhood first bfre i cn say anythn abt the abv topic :)..
Well whn i go back or look back to my childhud, the first thing cms to my mind is my childhud frnds near my home...we used to play frm evening to night aftr cmng frm school..thrwng away school bags..nt even chngng unifrms we rush to our play areas like ground roads..we used to play variety of games outsde...crcket is the only valid name i cn gve u nw cz al othrs r domestc games of kids ..i dnt thnk it hs gt any name in englsh :P :P..u see we used to play a lot outsde..when frnds wer nt thr we used to spent time in frnt of our fvrte cartoon netwrk :D !!!! u knw wt...tom n jerry..popeye..bugs bunny...scooby doo etc etc etc !! abv all we spent a lot of time wth parents..o god funny nights evengs..hang outs..chats insde home!!!  the golden times 90s ! bt we nvr knew it ws cmng to an then it came a ws sch a ws at the start of 2000....21st century's beginnng...wth vdeo games !

It spread the craze like an epidemic on every kid everywhr....incldung me ofcourse! then the games outsde decreasd...we kinda obsessd wth vdeo games insde our home.....then it became all about exchng vdeo game cassetes  and play variety of games in TV rathr than outsde..thus we kids became TV cum vdeogame addctz...time goes by......things changd quickly again..the vdeo games cudnt stand still for long time..within 2 /3 strts dsapearing....and u knw wy!!?? ofcourse the comptr age began!!! now gaming is on cmptr!!! we threw away our vdeo games...things wer easier nd more intrstng in cmptr!!
we went on gathering as mny games as possble frm frnds at school..neighbourhood...etc etc..we have almst frgttn the games we used to play outsde...+ we got feelng tht we r no more outsde kiddsh games!!! actualy it wr mre kiddsh games we plyd in pc :P times goes by CDs came....DVDs game transfer became easier ;) ..then came another boon....Mobile phones !!

Mobile phones....they wer like rich man's gadget fr mny it wsnt very popular at all....but aftr reliance brought the revoluntn in mble phone indstry it becme "even beggar" 's gadget :P ..the cost came down rates gone down....mble phone revlution began....The most vital nd undoubtedly the most powerful cmpanion also arose with tht......gues wt !? INTERNET !!

Its the start of 2008....internet  frm broadband and mble phone spread on each n evry home bcme an inevitable thing at evry tht hv gone farther n farther away frm all those outdoor games Tv n even pc ws the time to be part of  internt netwrkng sites advented evrybdy...frm kids to adults..withn anthr 2 yrs...frm orkut...they fly to facebuk n twitter....facebuk nw has ovr 1 billion users !! remebr the wrld hs nly 6.7 billion populatn!! now these kids hv no time fr any stupid games or TV !!...even 5th std kids..they have a mble phone + intrnt in it..or pc wth internt in their room !! they dnt even need food or their text buks..they cn sit 24X7 in frnt of it chating surfng or playng or music ! at tht time they dnt even knw if floods or earthqueake strike their home :P ...addicted kids !! once they get in those sites they cnt even escape frm it...its like we fell insde an abyss !! no way of escaping by cmng outsde off it...

As a 20yr old engg studnt, its quite happy too see all these technlgcl as a person who came across dfrnt periods of these changes..i must admit tht am cncerned too....concerned about the NEW GENERATION ...our india hs a culture ..we stay close to our parents...we cnt see tht in frgn countries...thr aftr a certain age..75% teens lead their own life....wth their mre parenthood thr....we r nt like tht..we keep certain our relations..its fr life time too....and u knw wt...our kids now bcmng mre like western...they have boyfrnds n grlfrnds at teen..they hv evry gadgets..they dnt find time to spend wth parents....and i strngly think the reasns r these modern gadgets...

mble phones..internt....etc..evrythng is for good :) .but it has a bad sidee get dvrted to bad
side quickly ofcourse if nt proprly cared ..a kid who goes to school in mrng frm our home and come bck to home in eveng...why they r gven a mble phone? I blame those parents too!!  and bttr dnt place a pc wth intrnet in their i said bfre,,kids get dvrted to bad side quickly....we hv too keep them awared too why :) rathr than mkng it a strong restrctn cz kids like to break restrctns :P if they felt its strct lol..
..i wish if we cud bring bck smthng frm past back ..atleast smthng...pitifuly nthng  remains like past here..everyhtng changed "naadu odumbol naduve odunnu"....our future is on our hands nd our kids...i dnt see any solutn to this too....

 i dnt want indian youth to be like westrn youth....and i thnk wthin 20 yrs india bcms perfct USA ...i wish we cud keep the same cultre as just remains as an unsatisfiable WISH only...i dnt knw wt happens.. NEW GENERATION na !!! lets wait n see :) ...

me2 RaJ
