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Now all I can see is you

Now all I can See is you

One day i went for a walk..
Through brightness i moved..
Well eyed,
Bliss minded..
Then i didnt search for you all..
Then i didnt call for you all..
Then everybody was there for me..
Then everybody was there to love me,care me..
Then i had you all..
Then i could feel you all..
Then i could hear you all..
Then i could see you all..

Another day i go for a walk..
Through darkness i move..
Blind eyed,
Dull minded..
Now i search for u all..
Now i call for u all..
Now nobody is there for me but you..
Now nobody is there to love me,care me but you..
Now all i have is you..
Now all i can feel is you..
Now all i can hear is you..
Now all i can see is you..

By mE2 RaJ
