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love marriage ...wy stil objected here  !!??

each n every persn is free to love a persn of his own law objects it..does any ?
but i am fed up of the bloody conditions one has to satisfy for  love has tu be succsful...i mean
to end in marriage....true love is reasonless....but seems lyk its not conditionless to be sccsful...hw mny mny cndtns to b satisfied !?? religion... caste... family security...age ..qualifctns...looks...astrolgcl apprvl !! wt a damn  process !! this is smthng hppng only here in india...myself frm westrn countries..thngs r dfrnt...ofcourse here we value family relatns verymch cmprd to westrnr...but still.....i cnt fully swallow this reality....if we cnt live wth a persn whom we love...then fr wt heck is this life for :/ ? lyf  ever be more beautful than living wth the loved one...??  no.................then y love mrrge stil objected here!?? y we always look fr tht stupid cndtns.....?? if two people love eachothr..and if they r happy fr eachothr and if they are capable to live a life succsfuly like othrs....let them do so !! no parent cn  be mre hppy than seeng their kids happy and cherish their life wth a partner they choose themslves...
i wrte this blog cz of one of my frnds' sorrow......cnt bear it.....he lost his love..hs love gonna marry smbdy else...anthr surrnder to stupid norms or customs and cultre of society out here.....hpe tht time wl change things in future.................
