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love u the most :)

unfrgetble frnds <3

Mitha : My sis..My bestest friend ..nobdy knws me or undrstnd me more than she does :) my treasure :*
Ashifa : the best frnd i hv evr got after my sis...amazing lovely sweet girl....rare frnd....hard to get a frnd lyk her whom you cn count upon and one who wil nvr let u go ...she undrstnds me very wel more over she can listen to me very patiently than anybdy.. <3 her lots....
Aparna : haaaa undoubtedly the best girl i evr met on this planet...100% joly funny lovely energetic..also my first best friend....sinks with my likes n dslikes smoothly...knows my mind very well...share everythng....she is one frnd i cn nvr imagine losing.....
Uma : ooooh ma frst frnd in orkut :D turning out to be one of the best frnds i got ....3 yrs since i knw her ..very possesve ..alambh ...lovely frnd ;) talktave lyk hel :O :P got my ears burst in phone many tyms ....smrt crazy n dreamy gal her lots :)) she wl nvr let me go fr sure
Rex : He is a friend whom with am perfectly free to share anything as it is :P him of my rarest frnds...enthusiastic and active guy..moreover amng  my best frnds :)
Julie : She might be old...but stil by mind shes like 20 :D....we r like equaly aged frnds...we love sharing thoughts...shes my advser and well wisher..lyk my elder sis and good frnd shes alwys wth me...and more imprtantly she is the only one with whom i wl nvr fight :P :D ...
Paru: she is one of a kind talented allrounder active intelligent etc etc...she is the sister whom my mother frgt to give birth hehehe....
miss her lots ....
Khalid : my soul mate and best frnd at college :)...we share manythings in common and hence we go along well :D ....who alwys cares for me. whos always near me when needed :) him lot :D
Navaneet : my best frnd for life time frm LKG :D yoyo !!
