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Showing posts from November, 2012

enna kodumai sir ithu

Enna Vazhkai Da Ithu !? my lyf is going to ups n downs .... lotta cheaters around.... their masks r cmng out....happy tht i realise it atleast nw and i move on... lyf smtmes seems to be crap... smtmes a crazy irritating puzzle... This world is weird... people make dis world.... they change lyk seasons.... here d ones whom we called  " best friend" bcms stranger or enemy at some instant.. so learn the lessn dat nbdy is permanent in  anybodys life  and  so love urself trust urself more dan anybdy  and move on in ds crazy journey called  life with a smile :-):-):-) e nna vazhkai da  ithu !!

get into infy !

october 30 2012 ...The Best Day Ever !??   Oyeeeeeeeeee !! this ws one day tu remember frvr ! guess wt!?? got into infosys :D !! my frst ever interview....wt an experience!! i stil remember each n evrythng i said in has been an informal english communication scenario fr me ...thanks god it aint technical ;D :P ! very few got into infy frm my collg. and am proud to be one amng them and the only one frm my clss :) ...lotta treats have tu be done and did !! and still long way to go lol ! i think this is purely magical frm god.....i nevr expctd myself to get into this selection process as i had a backlog as a curse !!! fortunatly i cleared right bfre the selectn process :D just days bfre intrview reslts came and tht ws quite unbelievable to see me passed :P mm ! qualified for test and i did well 8) as i am a lover of aptitude tests lyk ds whch steams ur brain :D and i knw i am gud in it :P ...whn reslts announcd lotta bujizz n fvrte stdnts of teachrs crashed out