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What is India becoming to !??

some months ago a young lady got brutally raped in a bus... in our national capital ..undoubtedly one of the most shocking incidents of the year so far....and we all saw the protests at give capital punishment to the those bloody rapists....and wt happend!? still they r alive ..or still they are in jail only ....! before the heats of tht issue is over another rape case ..! and dis tym a 5 yr old......same place same country ...and again the same protests same debates happening all over india and stil no reslt ......

when one of our sisters ws raped in bus some ( politician frgt her name) said there is nthng surprsing there as she ws dressd up in an xposed way at night tym....let me ask u in case of 5 yr old wt damn reason cn u produce here now !?? is tht kid xposing herself or tempted in sm way ! tht small kid !!? neva !!...this is more lyk a mental disorder ..a sex maniac... ...hey rapists lemme ask if u cnt even put a self cntrol to ur emotions seein a girl then you are nvr worth to be calld a MAN ...i wud rather prefer to call you ANIMALZ den in our india evrybdy has the right to dress up and walk freely in manner in he or she likes and nobdy has the right to rape her for dat ! so pleaaaaaaaaaaaase stop bringing such xcuses mr or miss. polticianzz... i must say am afraid you guys may even rape ur sister or mother if they dress so !

various debates r happenin here whether to give capital punishment to rape cases or not .....well my opinion is dat rather dan a capital punishment they shud live here their whole lyf regrettng over wt they did..may be a saudi arabian system ..eye for eye ..leg for leg...lyk here!? hope u got wt i wud b worse dan death punishment fr punishment wl only b minimum punishment to those rascalz....according to me raping a girl is equivalent to destroying her lyf ..the state of that girl is worse dan gettin fact she is killed literally..we hav seen hw sch a girl wl b treatd by our wicked society matter she is innocnt here .. she wl hav to bear dat badname for rest of her lyf....we hv seen it and heard it....really sad it is.....

our laws seems so feeble to protect our sisters ...politicians at the centre say they r TRYIN to bring stronger laws amendments to put an end to dese....but wher are dose !? laws must b implemented sch dat bastards wil never rise again or anybdy wl dare repeat sch acts... "bharatham punya bhumi"  we hv learnt dis in our childhud.....even in our national pledge we say all indians r our brothers and sisters.....we have to treat women and girls lyk we treat our sisters.... A real man is not the one who can rape dem off but the one who can protect woman ....... lets pray incidents lyk ds wl ever happen again in our india.....lets hope those culprits wil be given maximum punishment...ATLEAST capital punishment ..tht wud b the proper words i can use ....

Signing off 



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