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some questions to think about 2050.....

Biggest natural calamity we are seeing daily ..oh yea ....deforestation-globalwarming duo ..... to erect buildings and industries ( development and advancement they say .. )
what would it have done by 2050 to earth ?? lets take a look..........
ofcourse with regard to the population explosion , and crave for demands deforestation cut trees to accomodate the millions of houses to nowdays in each and every home people need wo vehicles we need bigger roads to accomodate them too...cut the trees ..clear the area ! oh yea cool again .....I was thinking what will be the population of greenhouse gases and poisonous gases too , in air by then!....i hope there will be some oxygen for us to inhale atleast...
ok let air be like that ...lets carry on an oxygen cylinder with us the whole day and live life....
what about food ??who cares about agriculture , farms , cultivation now ? even farms are now industrial areas.....and with the population explosion and thinking about our laziness to plant even a vegetable at home ...will we have enough food to live life ?? hang on !! we have food capsules ? ok lets live with it ..............what about water ?? with the polluting water bodies , increasing temparture, reducing humidity...will we have  enough water to drink ?? or technology gonna produce drinkable water too with hydrogen and oxygen|?? .....there is no doubt that we will be living in a country under a 50 degree climate , drought prone areas ....or may be floody areas ....floody? oh yeah.....since sea level is increasing with global warming ofcourse many places have to flood by then  or under water .............lets hope that our houses will still be above earth by then thats how strange 2050 gonna be....we wont be able to tackle all problems which are gonna arise by then....but certainly we can put a knot to hold it to some extend....the solution is simple : plant a tree.....go earth one person - one tree .....for a better future....for our future descendants technology is not everything :)

