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We are one and strong !

Within these past weeks, what we Keralites have seen is probably the worst flood in the history of our state. I would like to say, "chaos". A totally unexpected calamity that left us, made us run clueless and helpless in the initial days. People were crying for helps from all corners. Everyone were looking for their loved ones, who were missing. Lights out, food out, water out. And yes, we were simply clueless on what to do. But what we have seen afterwards, was an absolute peach of a come back. The rescue and relief operations were started by our energetic state police and fire rescue, later on joined by local people. But that was just not enough ! We needed more miracles. It began when our energetic youth took the screen along with eminent artists, celebs, social workers across the state. Our entire social media left their favorites trolls aside and got fully engaged in volunteering online. Our youth sat over nights and brought live websites in mere couple of days to guide volunteering. Typical genius brains of students of Kerala came up with innovative yet simple gadgets like power banks, portable water filters to guide the inflicted people. Colleges and schools became collection centers and volunteer pools. The ones like me, who are outside Kerala, determined to stand for our state, made their own rooms into "Control Rooms". Our civil service officers, govt. officials, local politicians were on ground with people to help like common men. Churches, Temples and Mosques became relief camps, irrespective of religions. Markets, stores and shops donations became the essential supply for our lives. Corporate monsters like Google, Amazon, Paytm got our backs coming up with immense online support. We finally grabbed international attention with our unified effort, to get support from all around the globe. Navy joined the rescue operations to take them to another level. Then our own "Navy", the coastal warriors, our fishermen took over the stage. They came in boats from miles and miles away and saved at least a lakh lives in a week. Gotta takes my hats off a hundred times for their vehement passion for our state and bravery.  We could see the light finally. We could see ourselves defeating the nature's fury. Yes, we were coming out victorious as one.

Sadly, numerous people had lost lives on the course. But I am a guy who likes to dig positives out of every blow that hits us. All these weeks, I could see only good things around. There were no religion, caste, color, positions, status and politics. Yes, ONLY good things all around. The world had shifted for us. With Onam just days ahead, we got a taste of how "maveli naadu vaanedum kaalam" was like. This calamity taught as that when the time comes, we cannot hang on to the bloody differences anymore. In the end, we are all humans. JUST HUMANS. As rephrased from a Hollywood movie: "We will not go quietly into the night. We will not just vanish. We will fight. We will survive.".

We will be eternally grateful to all those people around the world who have joined together in hands to bring food, shelter, water and money. Yes, we still have a long way to go, to rebuild our beautiful state. And we will.

