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24th of April in 2022

Certain things are difficult to put into words. Even if I do, it would look so underwhelming. But sometimes it is still worth an effort. And that's why I feel I want to express what this day means to me as much as how important this day was to you.

Today is the day my one and only younger sister, my baby girl has become a bride... 27 years; how the little baby on my hands has all grown up to a woman, a beautiful bride in red, and stood in front of me, was so emotionally overwhelming to me ❤️.

You know I have a poor memory. Yet, all those moments that we spent together from childhood are flashing in front of my eyes right now... Being an atomic family away from all relatives, we just had ourselves back then, isn't it!? And for sooooo long it has been like that.... We used to do everything together from fighting (too much drama!), playing indoors and outdoors (partner in crime), sharing food (which I never do with anyone even now!), sleeping (I love your bed lol), drawing, painting, studying (I was a good teacher to you I hope), nagging the neighbours (I know this was nasty!), cycling, catching butterflies, playing in rain, playing video games and computer games (endless!), playing cricket and badminton (best times!), endless blabbering at nights (bonding time haha...), binge watching on TV (turned us into movie freaks!), going shopping (we always choose the best!), to trips (nischal, the photographer!), to movies, restaurants (foodies forever), functions, etc etc etc. I can never forget any of these. All of these small and big moments, I will cherish them forever.

We shared everything not just as an elder brother and younger sister, but also like besties. Yes, you are my best friend who knows me the best. Someone whom I always counted upon. You are someone with I always have a telepathic relationship, a chemistry, some coded communication, certain words, certain expressions, certain faces that none but only we understand. You have always been one of very few who have had a say in my life. You have influenced me more than anybody, you have inspired me to do things which I was reluctant to do, you appreciated my achievements, criticized my flaws, celebrated my b'days (lol, nobody else does), and you have made me a better person.

Today, I am feeling so happy and contented when I look at you as you are in better hands now, in the hands of man you love. I wholeheartedly wish both of you a happy and peaceful life ahead. And I hope that whenever I look at you, I will keep seeing the same smile, charisma, kindness, and compassion in your heart.

I love you and I miss you naari! 😛🙂❤️
