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Showing posts from June, 2012


COLLEGE again ... Collge startd again .....feel so lazy....lotta tensions worries disapointmnts in my mind....gotta sort it out nd concentrate on studies...i let down myself and hopes of mny..need to rise again.....good luck to me
MuSiC !!!!!!!  In my childhood i wasnt much attractd to ws like an irritatn ..i used to stop all those tape recrders whne dad plays it :P bla bla...hate songss....i nvr liked spendn time wth headphones and mp3 plyrs like othr frnds...I hv nvr undrstd the power of music..... I got addctd to it only when i joined collge :D i went thru  mny tough situatns....frm family separatn ..tensions n cold war wth reltvs...deep frndshps..brk upss !! omg !! love !! love brk!! failures  !! fghts !! mny situatns indeed ..i ws lonely always in my stupid lodge room :/ ws my soul companion thr :)...i undrstd the power of music....hw it cn soothens ur mind..chills you...pacify you....smtmes encourage you...wtevr !! i love music n   music rockzzzzzzzzzzzz ! 
Boy n Girl far it can go? Consder this situation.A boy n girl are best friends...they spend a lotta time together evrywhr......both are singles...but eventualy one of them gets in love with anthr person...say the boy....the boy now starts spending time with his lover or girlfrnd now....he cnt find time for his bestfrnd now....but he dsnt realise when fell i love he gts evry guy in ds u imagne what the bestfrnds thinks now? she may undrstnd wy she is nt taken care like old now things changed.....but stil it pains in her mind...she maynt show it outsde...smtmes she may feel jealous...she may feel stil she maynt show it outsde fr their sake.... Now consider the other situatn if girl falls in love....the girl goes crazy wth her boyfrnd....the girl may still find time with her bestfrnd...more dan the boy cud find in previouus situatn..but certain limits cm thr.....she may nt interact like she did in old days..she

My Bestest friend !!

Whenever and Wherever i am , there are a few friends who have always bn with me......frst name cms to my mind is Ashifa .. :) ....i miss u ..this is for u....

my first ever video :)

AM PROUD TO BE A SAGITTARIAN !!! hey i ws born on dec 4..and guess wt am a sagittarian :D ...well we r independent ..we love freedom !!! we like mre to be on own or rathr than being under the care of smbdy :P .. sagittarians r honest by nature :) ..we r feared to tell lies do scamz etc....we r confidnt guys...confidence is our prime power ! we r funny in character..frank  n lack seriousness of life hehe...we r born brave n intelligent   8).. we hv lotta love in heart but dunno hw to show it :)  ...well talkng abt negtve side..we r impatient :P we dnt hv the word " patience" in our dictionary + we r careless + we r critic ..smtms sarcastic :P .. they say we r selfsh too. .. but hey  !  am nt selfsh  u guys knw ;)  these all stands as ngtv points...stl we r creatv minded. optmstc..innovator... etc ..we alwys want to do evrythng  dffrnt frm othrs ;) THAT MAKES US DFRNT..SAGITTARIAN 8)  by me2 R aJ
THE NEW GENERATION !! Let me first go back to my chlidhood first bfre i cn say anythn abt the abv topic :).. Well whn i go back or look back to my childhud, the first thing cms to my mind is my childhud frnds near my home...we used to play frm evening to night aftr cmng frm school..thrwng away school bags..nt even chngng unifrms we rush to our play areas like ground roads..we used to play variety of games outsde...crcket is the only valid name i cn gve u nw cz al othrs r domestc games of kids ..i dnt thnk it hs gt any name in englsh :P :P..u see we used to play a lot outsde..when frnds wer nt thr we used to spent time in frnt of our fvrte cartoon netwrk :D !!!! u knw wt...tom n jerry..popeye..bugs bunny...scooby doo etc etc etc !! abv all we spent a lot of time wth parents..o god funny nights evengs..hang outs..chats insde home!!!  the golden times 90s ! bt we nvr knew it ws cmng to an then it came a ws sch a ws at the start of 200
                         My First Love    Love..undoubtedly the most strong feeling and most desired feeling......we say I love my parents...we say I love my sister or brthr or frnds....its an emotion.. a strong attachmnt ,compassion twrds a person ....smtmes we say i fell in love wth him or the way wts ds love??its romantic in the form of romance...may be the most dscussed n most strange form of cnt b fully defined in words...but we cn show wts me love is a strange feeling whch we cnt resist to actualy happens itself!! thr r no reasonsfr tht ...true love is reasonless...the love may or may nt be; its nt compulsory tht the other persons returns you the same feeling...when u fal in just spins ur head around..its like u reachd smwhr else...!! you get obsessed with tht surprse if u see him or her in dreams cz dreams we see r innocent truthful desires hidden insde ur mind ,whch u may even ha

I wonder

I WONDER i wonder whr dd i find u.... i wonder why did i talk to u... i wonder whn dd i start carin fr u... i wonder whch all thngs i shared wth u... i wonder wht made me fall fr u... i wonder how mch i miss u... i wonder in my dream whn u wil scream... i wonder if thr is a day whn u will say... i wonder if thr is a night whn u wil sight.... " I LOVE U " By me2 RaJ

:) hmm..................

Now all I can see is you

Now all I can See is you One day i went for a walk.. Through brightness i moved.. Well eyed, Bliss minded.. Then i didnt search for you all.. Then i didnt call for you all.. Then everybody was there for me.. Then everybody was there to love me,care me.. Then i had you all.. Then i could feel you all.. Then i could hear you all.. Then i could see you all.. Another day i go for a walk.. Through darkness i move.. Blind eyed, Dull minded.. Now i search for u all.. Now i call for u all.. Now nobody is there for me but you.. Now nobody is there to love me,care me but you.. Now all i have is you.. Now all i can feel is you.. Now all i can hear is you.. Now all i can see is you.. By  mE2 RaJ


 Rain Rain Rain !!! I have beeen waitng for so long fr ths ....hey its monsooon!!! and it rains n rains n rains!! :D dunno wy ..i just enjoy watching rain outside...smtmes thru window or smtmes i wl be rght under the cooling showers !! playing in rain like kids lol :P matter hw old..i guess evrbdy do enjoy rain me its smthng tht cools my mkes me frget my sorrows all kinda keeps me mkes me nostalgic bla bla!! :)))  it mkes me happy  ! whatevr !!!!!!!! its monsoooon !! if it refreshes ur mind too as i said then frgt ur age n play again like kidz under the showers! eeeeeeeeeee :D by me2 RaJ ! LIKE THIS PAGE IN FB here :i like standing near the window and looking out enjoying the rain ! :)   thank u!

Count On Me - Bruno Mars

This is one of the best videos i have cm across :) simple n touching....this is hw the best frnds suppose to be ;)
We were best friends !!  We hung out almost anywhere, with one another. We were always  together, You said forever. When we came to high school, I tried to hold  on to you. So I finally  gave up. So I now hold, on to the memories. You come to talk,  once in a while, But I only give,  you a smile. I'm trying not, to cry, All I was to do is say BYE. Source:  Sad Best Friend Poems, Friendship Ending 
My heart speakz These dayz I am a person with lotta sorrows lotta sadness... i am trying to forget it trying to be hppy always :) hell lotta close to mny of as usual without reasons or with sm silly reasons they r leaving me...usual end....It realy sulks me..bein a senstv boy ..I cnt jst bear this thrown to sch a situatn nw...i hv to escape from all sorta troubles...atleast i want to tell my mind repeatedly tht am happy happy!! ths y starting this blog...i jst wanna show off my feelngs..just flush it away...rathr than keepng it insde n heart speaks here .... :) MiTu RaJ